Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Holidays are upon us!

Well it has been a month since I posted last. Not sure who really reads these anyway. So we are right in the middle of the holiday season. Is anyone getting tired of people wanting to take Christ out of Christmas? I am not talking about the whole "X-mas" thing, I won't get into the X standing for Christ in the Original Greek.... oh yeah I just did. I am really talking about people at Wal-mart and other stores not being allowed to say "Merry Christmas," only "Happy Holidays." You can say Happy Holidays on New Years, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July...etc. They are all happy holidays. How many of you have a holiday tree? We have a Christmas tree. It only comes out at Christmas. We refuse to bring it out for any other holiday. Although I guess that could be a new selling point for "those" trees. So if they are a holiday tree, why do you only see them in stores over Christmas? I expect them to be in Wal-mart on July 4th. I may want one then.

Sorry about the rant...just wanted to fill a post (haha). 

So for the holidays we are headed to Escondido to see my family for Christmas and then off to Long Beach for the Tsunami Student Conference. This month just flies by with Christmas parties (2 adult parties, 1 youth Party, 1 children's party, 1 office party (Michelle's), not to mention the school things, Scouts, parade, the list goes on.) Michelle and I were asked just this Tuesday if we would lead a couple Hot Topics at the Tsunami Conference the 27th. We have taught one entitled "Balancing Marriage and Ministry" before and I was pondering it again. That is until I notice my already frazzled wife getting more frazzled (if possible). Then God hit me with a 2x4. "Hey dummy, do you really think it would be good to lead a seminar on balancing your marriage and ministry at the expense of your wife's saneness?" Okay, so it wasn't audible, but I got the point. I am trying to not take on more ministry things at the expense of my family. When all is said and done, they are more Important to me than the ministry I am called to. You can agree or disagree with me (comment if you want), but I believe I am to honor God first in my relationship to Him, then my family, then my "Job" (ministry). Fortunately I have a pastor that agrees with me. So we are doing Tsunami with our students, but we are going as a family and spending some quality time together while we are there.

It is a busy time indeed, but don't forget to take time out to remember the real meaning of Christmas, and also spend time with the family.