Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Ducks and For Sale Signs

Today is Wednesday and I am already exhausted. I have had late night meetings the past two days and it is catching up with me. Okay, so maybe my late night exploits on Sunday night have a little to do with my tiredness. Let me share with you a little about Sunday.

We went over to some friends house to watch the Cowboys stomp the Giants (sorry Eli). While over there we were sharing college & high school experiences of TP'ing, forking lawns, etc. So we (my friends and I, all over 35) decide that we need to do something to our new pastor's house. Since he moved into a new development the trees have not grown much which doesn't provide much for TP. We decide to set out pink Flamingos in his yard, but we don't have any. We head to the Super Wal-Mart (open 24hours) to shop. After browsing the garden department we find no pink flamingos. We ask an attendant, she tries to get us to buy the giant inflatable snow globe with Santa (why is Christmas stuff is out so early? That is another blog). We decide to head the Fishing and hunting area. We find 2 boxes of a dozen duck decoys. We then buy a For Sale sign, a couple "No Hunting" signs, we are in the Boonies. I find a jackle Lantern that is a Giant Golf ball. We make our purchases and head tot he pastors house. After writing on the for sale sign his name and cell phone number, we spread out the ducks and put the for sale sign and no hunting signs in his yard.

Monday the pastor comes into my office several times and doesn't say anything about the ducks. After a couple hours, Todd comes in and sits down. "So, you wouldn't happen to know anything about a flock or 24 ducks would you?" He thought I had a late t youth event and they were the guilty ones. When he finally found out who was involved he busted up. He now wants to know who else in the church we can get. What a Pastor!
